brass liberation orchestra

BLO Politics

Points of Unity and Vision

The members of the BLO have agreed to work together towards a common set of goals. This is the core of our collective vision for the band's work, but is of course a work in progress.

Political Priorities

There are many issues that are important to us as a group and individually. The band has agreed on two key areas that we prioritize when accepting gigs. Our goal is to actively work to build relationships with other groups in our communities who are organizing around these issues:

Organizing Structure

BLO uses a modified consensus process to make decisions within the band. We strive to create a supportive environment where we can all develop skills and leadership and take on the various tasks necessary to keep the band going.

Links and Resources

A few other groups that make loud noises and roll on the streets:

Groups we have worked with:

Resources for Street Bands

Organizing Resources

News and Information